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Monday, April 13, 2009

SEG Grad Nite 2009

Grad Nite Poster

SEG Graduation Nite 2009 was held at Holiday Park Inn View ballroom on 4th April 2009 (Sat). This was a celebration party for them to gather and enjoy one another’s company one last time as a school.

Loiter1 Loiter2 Loiter3

At the registration counter, each SEG graduate was given three door-gifts (i.e. magnetic frame, cash voucher and also Cyriva’s (School of Engineering) Test tube for our dear graduates.

Magnetic Frame Capitaland $5 Cash Voucher Cyriva_SEG Test Tube

The cocktail reception was filled with smile and laughter. Graduates were either commenting on each other’s attire or updating one another of the happenings during the holiday. Dr Wang Jianguo and Mr Tan Heap Jui were the first few SEG staffs who arrived early.

The night was officially kicked started with the “Early Bird Draw”. Three SEG Graduates who were among the many who registered early, walked away with Swensen cash vouchers.

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Next, the emcees of the night introduced a mass game known as “Completing the story”. Despite the restriction on the usage of some nouns such as “he, she, they and etc”, SEG staffs and graduates from each table were able to contribute and form a story at the end of each round. The completed stories were hilarious and everyone had a good laugh. The crowd enjoyed the impromptu pole dance by the male graduate from the “Toilet Team”. ;)

Male Pole Dance_1 Male Pole Dance_2 Male Pole Dance_3

The enthusiasm shown by the graduates were further stepped up by the second game of the evening.

The emcees invited some volunteers from each table for the second game without revealing the name / nature of the game to the floor. Being curious, many graduates volunteered by stepping forward to the dance floor in front of the stage. Soon, some were in for a surprise! “Blind couple dancing” was the name of the game. The game was very entertaining as some funny dance steps were displayed/ shown when the couples were being blinded folded. There were a few moments when a few couples almost knocked into one another. Phew…

Game1_B_i Game1_B_ii Game1_B_iii

Before the commencement of the dinner buffet, the table nomination of Mr and Ms Glamz was initiated. As time passed, slips of table nominations were dropped into the nomination tray, and the photographers were sent to take pictures of the nominees.

During dinner, some graduates passed their song dedications to the Disc Jockey. A perfect dinner was completed by the soothing classical music at the background; we had invited our very own RP Windsym to do a short performance.

RP Windsym

Up next, an eight-minute video montage was shown, it brought the graduates bring back some memories of their days back at Republic Polytechnic. Invited Staff from the School of Engineering got to review the unforgettable, touching memories that they had been with their students.

With the nostalgic ambience lingering in the ballroom, we had to invite Amber December to rock the ballroom back to the previously energetic state ! While the band was almost rocking the house down, the graduates and staff were given a chance each to vote for their Mister and Ms Glamorous.

Amber December_1 Amber December_2 Amber December_3
After the splendid performance by the rock band, we proceed with a game called Guess the baby.

Cash voucher was given to the winner who answer the correct answer, and also for the “baby” of the game.

Cash Vouchers_Prizes

Before the event came to an end, the School of Engineering was proud to present six awards to those who had contributed their time and effort in their club, IGs and assisted in various engineering activities during the past three years in Republic Polytechnic. A plague and a certificate of appreciation were presented to each of the outstanding SEG student. .

Next, it was the exciting moment of the Mister and Miss Glamorous 2009. It was a highly competitive contest as our graduates were all dressed glamorously and beautifully/ handsomely. As such, it was a tough choice for all graduates who had to choose and support their favorite’s nominees by smsing in their votes. Every attendee had only a chance to vote for the male and female via the SMS system. After the sms system had closed, the results were consolidated online in an instant by the Singtel system. The crucial time had come when the screen flashed the winners.

The female winner was Vicky and the male winner was Lim Li Hui, Desmond.

Vicky 'Desmond'

They had walked away with Silver iPod Shuffle (each).

Silver iPod Shuffle

Next, graduates were informed of the various avenues which they could still keep in touch and be updated of the events at the School of Engineering via the School of Engineering Friendster, Facebook, Blog and the SEG Newsletter.

[Click on Picture to visit link]

RP SEG Website School Of Engineering- Friendster School Of Engineering- Facebook

Last but not the least; we had our Deputy Director (Dr. Wang Jianguo) to present 16 Lucky Draw prizes and Dr Ranjit Singh to give away 10 consolation cash vouchers. The top prize winner had walked away $200 Taka Cash Voucher. After giving out all of the cash vouchers and attractive prizes, the grad nite had come to an end; but for those who wanna hangout in the ballroom, the DJ hadl hyped up the area by playing the clubbing music - all the way till 2330 hrs.

Ballroom Clubbing_2 Ballroom Clubbing_3 Ballroom Clubbing_4

-Hope that everyone had enjoyed the event!

Presented to you by:

Cyriva Club

Cyriva Club


Feel free to see the Photos.. On the photobucket:

SEG Grad Nite 2009_Photo Link