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Saturday, December 26, 2009

SEG Graduate Forum 2009

The SEG Graduate Forum was an annual event that SEG graduates were invited to share with the SEG students on their current updates.

In November 09, SEG had invited 6 SEG graduates to participate in the forum. The invited graduates include Tan Chee Yuen, Edward Aung, Annop Dharmaseelan, He Ai Xia, Tertius Koshy Thomas and Charles Guo Jing Yi.

(From Left: Chee Yuen, Edward, Anoop, Ai Xia, Tertius & Charles)

The graduates took precious time from their work, study or National Service to spend an hour to share tips on excelling in studies (both RP and universities), ace-ing job and university interviews.

A total of 300 plus SEG students attended the session as many were keen to know more from their graduates about university, working and NS life and the preparation required to excel in the respective areas.

The summary of the session:

- Chee Yuen shared about the experience gained from the fruitful industrial experience during his NTU industrial attachment period.

- Edward gave interesting stories of his study life at Nanyang Technological (NTU) and related how the presentation skill that he acquired during his school days at RP made him outshine his university peers during project presentations.

- Anoop related his working experience at Flight Focus (a flight operation company) and his learning in Aerospace Engineering part time degree programme at UniSIM.

- Ai Xia provided an exclusive insight on working in the biomedical equipment department at National University of Hospital (NUH).

- Tertius gave some tips on balancing his exciting work life at Hitachi as an assistant engineer designer and his part time degree programme in Electrical Engineering at UniSIM.

- Charles, the youngest graduate at the session, shared interesting stories about how Problem Base Learning (PBL) that he acquired during his study in RP, helped him to adapt and excel in his national service. He also related that the logistics knowledge learnt in his diploma that enabled him to carry out his duties well in the army. After completing his national service, he would continue pursuing further education at Singapore Management University (SMU).

Many students who attended the session were inspired by the graduates and had a clearer direction of their goals. The session prompted us (students) to start thinking, planning and work towards our aspirations.