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Monday, May 3, 2010

Freshmen Orientation Day Camp 2010 (Day 1)

The main objective of the camp was to let the freshmen know their school mates before school starts. The event started out with ice breaking games to let the participants feel more welcomed.

After a time of fun and laughter, the student leaders introduced them our famous SEG “SAH!” Cheer. Everybody was so enthusiastic and learnt the cheer in less than 30 minutes!

The next program we had planned for these enthusiastic freshmen were the station games! The main objective was to allow them to mingle with their groups and to know everyone well enough.

Despite the bad weather, we all had a lot of fun playing the games.

Although the station games lasted for a short while, we could see that the freshmen enjoyed themselves and had a level of rapport among the groups.

To end the day’s activities, we had a night game called “Burn Baby Burn” planned for them. Here, participants had to severe a rope dipped in water. However, the only tool given to them was a candle and they had to deal with obstacles like, people blowing off their light or the forces of nature.

Last but not least, both the student leaders and the freshmen had a enjoyable day which resulted in a picture like this!