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Monday, October 11, 2010

Amazing Night Cycling Race 2010

The Amazing Night Cycling Race was held on the 28th and 29th of September 2010. All the Cyriva Club members gathered at W1 Student Forum to prepare and get ready to start of the event at 1:00pm. The event registration started off at 1:30pm and participants came after awhile. 

We started off with ice-breaking games like, ‘Caterpillar’ and ‘7-Up’. Everyone laughed and enjoyed while they were playing Caterpillar as they have to move from one point to another only using their own hands and bottoms with their legs interlocking at the waist of the front person. The last few teams had forfeit and they were dancing on the stage. They had fun as everyone was laughing non-stop.

As time passed, it’s time to play ‘7-Up’. The participants formed a big circle and waited for instructions. The participants had to number off and whenever it comes to a number which contains ‘7’, they have to say ‘UP’ instead of ‘7’. After a few rounds, the game was modified; the participants have to say ‘UP’ whenever there’s even number. This goes on for another few rounds followed by their forfeit and they sure had fun for these two games as there were laughter here and there.

Ice breakers session ended and it’s time for games like ‘Polo Master’, ‘Test Your Senses’ and ‘Memory Game’. For the game ‘Polo Master’, participants in their own teams were required to get the polo to the other side without dropping using a straw. It sure was a challenge as it’s quite hard to connect a straw to another without touching it, patience is important in this game. 

Next game was ‘Test your senses’. Each of the participants were given a period of time to use their senses and sense the item in the box or the item that the game masters gave them and they are required to guess what was it. For tasting part, one of the team members had to use their mouth and get the polo sweet hidden inside the small container before guessing what they had tasted. Those who tasted gave a weird expression as there is a mixture of sour powder, flour and sugar. For smelling part, it was white pepper and lastly, the feeling part, the participants must guess what is inside the box after they put their hands in for a few seconds. 

 The third game was ‘Memory Game’ to test the memory of the participants. Each team had to send up a representative and they are given around 30seconds to 1minute to memorize 10 numbers. After memorizing the 10 numbers, they need to go back to their team and tell their team members what he/she had memorized. Once one number is said wrongly, the team cannot continue unless they get the right number. Some of the team members guess the numbers until they got it right. After a few rounds, the game masters modified the game and it became more challenging as the participants had to memorize the number after subtracting, adding, multiplying or division.

After games, the participants took some rest while waiting for dinner and they have yet to know what is going to happen during the night cycling later on. Briefing for the Night cycling was given after dinner, and the participants are required to search for the cue cards that were hidden somewhere before they head off to East Coast Park. Enthusiasm was seen in the participants. 

As soon as the participants reached their kick off location at East Coast Park, they took their bikes and looked for one of our team member who was hiding with the clue card for their next destination.

As soon as they found their clue cards, they went off to their destination and started to complete the game given by the game master to obtain their next clue card. The game was ‘Dig It’ and the objective was to find a piece of coloured paper to exchange for the clue card. Below is the picture where the participants need to dig to find the piece of coloured paper.

At the next pit stop, they were given the task of keeping their ankles together in a straight line all the way to the end mark so that they would be able to receive their clue card to their next pit stop but any breaks in the ankles, they would need to restart the whole game. Even if the task seems easy, the teams had a hard time of keeping their ankles together all the way to the end.

As the night went on, the participants had to move on to their next pit stop which is at Sun Plaza Park to proceed on to their next task. The team had to take exact photograph of pictures given to them by the game masters. Once all the photos have been taken correctly, they are given the clue card to their next pit stop.

As the participants had gone deeper into the race, they found themselves in Pasir Ris Park trying to conquer a challenge that may seem weird to some of the teams. The game called ‘Pass The Oil Paper’, had some of the teams grossed out as they had to pass screen paper to one another until the end using nothing except their mouth. After completing that task, they would receive their next clue.

After a long cycle, they took a long break at Changi Village to rest their body and especially their exhausted legs. While taking a break, they had time to enjoy the food  to refill their energy.

After their meal, they were given the clue to their pit stop and they moved on according to their timing. When they reached the pit stop at Changi Jetty, they had to test their concentration. ‘Pass The Ball’ is a game that needs a firm and steady hand as they need to balance a ping-pong ball with a chopstick and pass it on to the next teammate until the last teammate has a chance to balance the ball.

After completing the challenge at Changi Jetty, they had another tough challenge which was the long park connector back to East Coast Park as their last pit stop is back at East Coast Park. The picture below shows one of the teams trying to figure out where is the last pit stop.

 As soon as they reached the pit stop, they had to take a group photo at Bedok Jetty. Once that task is done, they would return back to the game masters and they would be given entry to the garden tower to find their final clue card for the End Point which was hidden at the tower.

After a long cycle through all the pit stops, they all have one last task to be done. It was the final stretch all the way to the End Point. At the end, a member of the Cyriva club is waiting to greet them as they arrive one by one at the end.